Devops Survey 2010 Results

The DevOps Survey 2010 results are in!

Thank you again to all the contributed.
The response was impressive with 220 people responding over the month the survey was open.

I plan to do this all again later in the year, but with the knowledge that I didn't have last year.

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments regarding the DevOps Survey 2010.

If you wish jump directly to a section of the results, use the anchors below:
About You
Personal Brand/Development
Current Workplace
DevOps In The Workplace
Agile In The Workplace
You And DevOps
DevOps And Issues

Results after the jump...

About you

219 responses

214 responses

220 responses
What is your current position/title?

219 responses
If other, please enter your current position/title

46 responses
What is your highest level of education?

218 responses
How relevant is your education for work?

217 responses
Personal Brand/Development
Do you have a personal site or blog?

218 responses
How long has your personal site or blog been online for?

213 responses
Have you been to any of the following conferences this year?

220 responses
(109 attending a conference)
How long have you been working in the industry?

219 responses
How excited are you by the IT industry?

218 responses
Current Workplace
What is your current organisations industry?

208 responses
What type of organisation is it?

218 responses
How many people does your organisation employ?

218 responses
How many hours do you work per week?

219 responses
How many years have you been at your current organisation?

218 responses
How many years have you been in your current position?

218 responses
DevOps In The Workplace
Do you practice DevOps in your workplace?

218 responses
Do colleagues practice DevOps in your workplace?

217 responses
Are your managers aware of DevOps?

216 responses
Is the practice of DevOps supported by the organisation?

217 responses
Is the practice of DevOps encouraged by the organisation?

217 responses
Do you think DevOps is a role?

219 responses
Agile In The Workplace
Do you practice Agile software development in your workplace?

215 responses
Do colleagues practice Agile software development in your workplace?

216 responses
Are your managers aware of Agile software development?

216 responses
Is the practice of Agile software development supported by the organisation?

213 responses
Is the practice of Agile software development encouraged by the organisation?

217 responses
Do you think Agile is a role?

218 responses
You and DevOps
Who do you identify yourself with?

217 responses
Where did you first hear about DevOps?

220 responses
When did you first hear about DevOps?

219 responses
Did you practise DevOps before it was called "DevOps"?

219 responses
Have you been to a DevOps meet up?

219 responses
If not, would you like a local DevOps meet up?

176 responses
DevOps and Issues
Does DevOps address the following issues?

199 responses - Technology
201 responses - Business Process
201 responses - Communication
197 responses - Organisational Structure
201 responses - Development Environments
202 responses - Operations Environments
201 responses - Agile Integration
201 responses - Quality Assurance
200 responses - Security
199 responses - Cost
What are the biggest issues facing DevOps at the moment?

197 responses - Management Support
192 responses - Too Dev Focused
195 responses - Too Ops Focused
196 responses - Dilution / Bastardisation of the Term "DevOps"
195 responses - Organisational Structure
194 responses - Agile Integration
195 responses - Technology
197 responses - Business Processes
197 responses - Communication
195 responses - Quality Assurance
194 responses - Security
195 responses - Cost

Matthew Jones is an operations engineer, living in Melbourne. He is one half of Infracoders.

Follow him on Twitter or find out more about him.